Payless4golf / Tee'd Off Golf

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Breaking A Score Barrier

Breaking 80 (or any other type of golf score barrier) is tough.

But according to the pros, shooting a low score on Sunday to win a tournament is tougher.

When Mike Weir won the Masters for the first time in 2003, he learned that winning required a whole new mindset.

He reveals:

'What's important to me is not only thatI won the Masters, but HOW I won the Masters.

On the last few holes the only person that could affect me winning the tournament was me, and I had no margin for error.'

Since taking responsibility for his mindset and winning the Masters, Weir is more patient.

He can play poorly in the first three days, but instead of getting frustrated, he stays cool:

'At a recent tournament, I knew it would come together, that it was just a matter of time. That's exactly what happened on Sunday, and I made a bunch of birdies and ended up 3rd. Before I would have pressedtoo much and ended up 20th.'

Mental Toughness Exercise

We can learn from Mike.

The most important lesson he provides is that there is no substitute for patience on the golf course.

How do you 'press' when you're not playing well?

Do you try to drive the ball further?Select over-ambitious shots?Overpower your putts?

The next time you're on the course and find yourself pressing, get back in control.

Be like Mike.

Tell yourself that golf is eternally inconsistent, and that your game will come together in time.

If you are thinking to yourself "I really, really need to get the mental part of my game handled"...


You certainly do need to get it handled.

You need to learn how to become mentally tough on the golf course RIGHT NOW.

Breakthrough Golf! Lower Your Score Now Using the Mental Toughness Secrets of Professional Athletes click here to get it


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