Unique Mental Challenge of Golf
You only make contact with the ball for fractions of a second over a 4-5 hour time frame.
This lack of contact makes it easier for you to lose your concentration.
There is more.
Four or five hours is a long time to maintain concentration on anything. Cardiovascular surgeons have the same concentration challenge as golfers. Coronary bypass (heart) surgery lasts an average of 5 hours, and it's typical for these surgeons to do 3 of these a day. That means they are doing 10-15 hours of operating a day. These surgeons know that they can't maintain total intensity and concentration on everything they do during that time.
Their solution is to teach themselves how to manage the ebb and flow of the operation. During the mundane parts of the operation, they get into a lighter concentration flow.
But once the patient's heart is stopped, they need to get the operation done in less than an hour. During that time, they have absolute, total focus. They submerge the mind so that everything around them is blacked out.*
In golf, you too must master the ebb and flow of the game. Having too much focus for too long a time can actually tighten your muscles and hamper your swing.
So, your job is to learn how to build your concentration before each shot and 'turn it off' between shots.
Mental Toughness Exercise
One technique you can use to sharpen your concentration is to visualize your shot before you hit it.
I suggest you do this as you're walking up to the ball.
Like Tiger, stare at your target and form a visual picture of the shot in your mind. See the ball flying on a specific line towards its final target. If you work at this, soon you will be able to maintain your focus of attention on the hole the way the pros do.
If you are thinking to yourself "I really, really need to get the mental part of my game handled"...
You certainly do need to get it handled.
You need to learn how to become mentally tough on the golf course RIGHT NOW.
Breakthrough Golf! Lower Your Score Now Using the Mental Toughness Secrets of Professional Athletes click here to get it